Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thailand! (Part 4)

So, I have a ton of pictures on this last post because I couldn't decide which ones to put on here...there is some beautiful scenery! We went to a Muay Thai Boxing match on Friday night, a boat cruise to the Phi Phi Islands (the most popular islands off of Phuket) where we snorkeled, went to Monkey Beach, ate lunch, swam, kayaked, etc. It was amazing!! The last morning was the only time that it rained during the day on our whole vacation, but that didn't stop us from going to the beach one last time!

Having dinner at our favorite restaurant before boxing...Tyler did this the whole time for some reason :)

He wouldn't go to sleep because he wanted to watch! A future martial artist in the making? I think so :) At about 10pm he finally gave in. All the stadium shouting didn't bother him at all :)
The only non-Thai boxer...he was here fighting from England.
The final match. The guy in blue was apparently the Thailand Champion and very well known in all of Asia

Back at the hotel and getting some sleep before a big day!
Leaving the harbour for Phi Phi islands

We pulled into Phi Phi Don Island to drop off people that were staying the night here. This is the main island of many and the only one with accomodations. I think we will stay here next time; it was the epitomy of "secluded"

The boat then took us to Mayan Bay where the movie "The Beach" was filmed several years ago with Leonardo Dicaprio. It was an incredible location. Unfortunately we couldn't go to the beach with our big boat but we did get to swim/snorkel there

These pictures turned out grainy because we accidentally left the underwater setting on the camera...but you can still see how beautiful it was!

....underwater setting OFF! Much better :)

This area was gorgeous! We were supposed to snorkel here too, but couldn't for some reason...I wasn't listening

The Viking Cave. We were supposed to go inside, but the dock was unstable.

We kayaked to "Monkey Beach". It's a beach of wild monkeys that are pretty much spoiled with human food when these tour groups come in. It was amazing to have them eat right out of your hand!Unfortunately we had our camera in the underwater case and there was some water on the outside, so we have a few with spots, but still a good pictureThis baby was no more than 7inches and 4-5 pounds or so...such a teeny little thing..and cute too! This is one of my favorite photos of the trip!
This was the greedy, mean monkey! On my next post of videos you'll see him attack me for Ty's puffs!
They would jump on you to get the food...Andy had to play keep away. This guy was aggressive at times. Someone was not taught their manners as a kid!After waiting patiently he was rewarded with Tyler's puff snacks! He didn't mind sharing :)

Kayaking back to the boat

Snorkeling at Monkey Beach

Back at Phi Phi Don Island for a lunch buffet and relaxing at the beach. Ty showing us how its done :)

"The sand feels so funny in my toes!"
The tide was real low, so it was perfect for Tyler. We crawled around and he just followed us.Another one of my favorite shots!

Playing on the boat on our way back...we had a blast! The last morning at breakfast
Our buffet each morning
Our favorite staff member...she LOVED Tyler :)
A quick trip to the beach before packing
It was windy and raining on occasion, so the waves were perfect!

More water spots on the camera but a cool shot of the weather behind me....we left not long after seeing this!
We bought a huge raft and had to take advantage of the waves with it before leaving. I actually got airborn on one of them...they were pretty strong!

Last view out our window before leaving
Bye, Bye Phuket Island View Resort!
Their King: Bhumibol Adulyadej. He's been the King since 1946 and is acclaimed as the world's longest serving head of state. He just had his 82nd birthday.
To make a long story short; we almost missed our flight! We ended up running across the whole airport. Andy ran ahead to secure our seats before they shut the gate and I was dodging people in the terminal with Ty asleep in the carrier. We were both literally sweating by the time we boarded! Anyway, that's the last of the photos from our trip! We had an amazing time and are so grateful for the opportunity! I have one more post with videos so check soon :)

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