Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Not so Recent Happenings...

So I am a little behind on blogging, even though I feel like I've been blogging my butt off because of China! Anywho, here are a bunch of random photos that was taken either a month ago or right after China. I still have more posts coming of stuff we did while he was on leave, but more on that later. For now, enjoy the photos and don't forget the video of Ty at the end :)

Tyler got this Dancing/Singing Lion from China and LOVES it!!

We found a great place full of hiking trails just 15 minutes from our apartment!

At the end of our hike, we rented these motorized 4 wheeler's for just a couple bucks and rode around the town square. I think Andy and I had more fun than Tyler did :)

Andy was at home with Ty so Summer and I had a girls afternoon and got pedicures.

We went to our first traditional Korean restaurant as recommended by Grant and Summer. The pork wraps were good along with some egg thing, but there were a few hesitations when it came to things like.....

....squid pancake..."you try it first, hun" "no you try it"...

Andy wasn't about to give in, so I did...not bad...not good :)

Grant and Summer with the pork on the burner. We were all slightly hesitant to eat this because prior to bringing it out, we saw the guy preparing the meat outside the restaurant with the pork laying on the table and a bunch of flys all over....yum!

Grant with a very tempermental snail.

Grant and Summer have been such wonderful friends to us in so many ways. They volunteered to watch Ty for the afternoon so we could have some time alone. We got Mexican food, went to a bike shop, and played 9 holes of screen golf. Thanks guys!!
You're the SADANG!!!

Ty's first time down a slide.
We went to the South Korea vs. Saudi Arabia World Cup qualifying game at the World Cup Stadium at Seoul. We took a very long and packed subway for 1 1/2 hours to get there, but once we did it was all worth it. No big winner out of the game; end score: zero/zero

Ty loves to roll around our apartment in his new walker I got from the base Thrift store for $5 buckeroos! YEAH!
Playing in his room.

There was nothing but really bumpy gravel surrounding our apartment. You just about thought you were going to lose a tire every time you drove on it...until now! Concrete! Double YEAH YEAH!!
Ty not so happy with dad taking advantage of photographing
a sleepy and tearful Tyler, "Why don't you cry and let me take a picture of you??? So unfair"
Andy's squadron commander was ready to PCS (permanent change of station...aka: moving), and they have a "fini-flight" where there is a big get together after you land. You get hosed down with the fire extinguisher and then party hardy!
The get together in the hanger with the A-10's in the background.
Future Pilot??? hmmm
Andy sportin' his new battle wound from the A-10 canopy while in the cockpit.

Tyler and the mighty Gatling gun!!

These are old photos of Summer and I trying real hard to practice our hair for the ball. As you can see were highly unsucessful!
And visiting Yongsan Army Base in Seoul to do some shopping. I'm going to miss you dear friend!!

Tyler and his Lion :)

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