Monday, March 22, 2010


A few weeks back we drove about a half hour to Luxembourg City,'s amazing it only takes that long to get to another country :) Anyway, we checked out the American Military Cemetary, which is 1 of 14 on foreign soil and also holds General Patton's grave. In fact, one of the villages (only 5 minutes from base) has an arched tower you can drive through. The cement has been chipped from the tower where Genearl Patton rode through and "left his mark"...pretty cool! I don't remember the exact number but this cemetary holds well over 5,000 American soldiers from WWII. It is very surreal and sobering to be living in the place where it all happened.
After visiting the cemetary we took a stroll in one of the city parks and then walked around a part of thte city which is basically set in an old Quarry. It was beautiful!! Enjoy :)

This old church was actually built into the stone wall!

Eve, this is for the two of you!!

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